Gel Nolasco
Thursday, August 4
Tedder vs. Karen (and yes, I never thought I would ever come to choose between them, but, alas.)
Oh, Ryan Tedder. (and how you warm my gooey, chocolate-centered heart.) :) See, a few months back, I was obsessed with The Yeah Yeah Yeahs song "Hysteric"
so much so that I had conjured a fake (though almost real) vision in my head of watching that traditional cheesy lovebirds video of my own future wedding and ACTUALLY hearing Karen O's soft serenade. But now, Oh, Ryan. Why'd you have to sweep me off like this? That would probably have been the closest i can get to having Karen O. sing at my wedding (hah!)
It's a very, very tough decision, honestly. Bahaa. And I'm not even getting married yet! :)
Should I go with the lyrics instead?
That wouldn't help either. They're both so beautiful! Here are two of the more genuine "love songs" I have ever (and this is hard for me) not judged and stuck my nose up to (haha) in a long time. I'll say. A love song shouldn't ever NOT sound like these two. <3